Breaking News

Year: 2020

BeoirFest online beer festival

BeoirFest Brings Beer Festivals Online

BeoirFest (from the Irish word for Beer) is an online beer festival designed not for “beer geeks” but for the casual beer drinker. The number of independent craft brewers in Ireland have grown rapidly in the last 15 years but most are small and struggle to get their story out to the wider market. At the…

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the choctaw help the irish

Repaying The Choctaw Generosity

Five years ago we wrote a post that told of the history of the Choctaw Donation to help the people of Ireland during the Great Famine. It’s an incredible story of empathy, generosity and human spirit during a time of suffering for two nations. In 1847 the Choctaw nation raised the sum of $170 to…

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