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BeoirFest online beer festival

BeoirFest Brings Beer Festivals Online

BeoirFest (from the Irish word for Beer) is an online beer festival designed not for “beer geeks” but for the casual beer drinker. The number of independent craft brewers in Ireland have grown rapidly in the last 15 years but most are small and struggle to get their story out to the wider market. At the…

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Rose Of Tralee Greeting

Charting The Popularity Of The Rose Of Tralee: Why It Was More Popular In The 1940’s.

The Rose Of Tralee festival is happening right now in the eponymous town. And it seems to remain as popular as ever. Even more so since it’s first run way back in 1959. But mentions of The Rose Of Tralee peaked long before the festival. As you are probably aware the Rose of Tralee Festival…

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irish redhead festival attendees

Redhead Display in Cork Airport

Next month travellers at Cork Airport will see a unique exhibition: a selection of portraits taken at the Irish Redhead Convention. Cork based fashion photographer, Jorg Koster developed an interest in redheaded subjects five years ago after shooting Irish clothing products for German catalogues. But he had a problem in taking portraits: red hair is…

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Samhain: The Celtic Origin of Halloween

Halloween is now a huge international and commercial holiday. But did you know it has its origins as a millennias-old Celtic festival called Samhain? The festival of Samhain marked the end of the harvest and also the start of winter, with its long nights. The importance of this time has been recognised since pre-Christian times…

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a red head who might be at the international red head festival

The 2015 Redhead Convention Takes Place Next Weekend.

Are you a redhead? It’s not too late to join in the annual redhead convention which is taking place in Crosshaven, Co. Cork next weekend. The convention which was founded by Joleen Cronin and her brother Denis five years ago started as a joke in the siblings family pub and succeeded to becoming a gathering…

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shouty chef

CurseFest2015 Coming To Waterford

Waterford City council recently decided to take a strong line against “use [of]obscene or profane language” in their parks. As you might expect in Ireland it’s kind of backfired! The recently passed by-laws stated that “No person shall beg, gamble, use obscene or profane language, behave indecently or cause annoyance.” Also banned are having a…

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trying to get out of slane

Guess What Happened When They Tried To Leave Slane!

Leaving a festival is mostly a chore; a big, slow moving, crush of people being given instructions over the loudspeaker. After the recent Foo Fighters concert in Slane this was the case at one exit with a Guard giving instructions. Then this happened! Good humour from the crowd – and great response from the Guard!

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