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The Stats About Ireland’s Record-Breaking Summer of 2018

This summer is one that will be remembered (assuming global warming doesn’t put it to shame next year). It was a summer that saw records fall for rainfall, temperature and drought. Let’s take a look at the stats from Met Eireann.



  • All mean seasonal temperatures across the country were above their long-term average, with many stations reporting heatwaves by the end of June.
  • The highest average temperature in 23 years was recorded at many locations across the country, including Oak Park in Carlow where it reached 16.8C, the highest since 1995.
  • Shannon Airport measured 32C on June 28. This was the highest temperature recorded in Ireland since 1946.
  • The highest air temperature was in Oak Park on 18 August, when 26.6 degrees Celsius was recorded.




  • Cork Airport had its driest summer since 1962
  • Phoenix Park saw just 38% of the average seasonal rainfall
  • Rain fell on just 29 days in the Phoenix Park


  • Johnstown Castle in Wexford was the sunniest place during the summer, with 693.5 hours recorded


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