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Bell Ringer Wanted for 17th Century Shandon Church In Cork

Ringing the Shandon Bells is one of the most popular tourist activities in Cork. Now the opportunity to do it as a job is open!

Shandon Bells, St Anne’s Church, Shandon, Cork is looking for an enthusiastic and self-motivated Tower Manager to manage and promote this iconic tourist attraction in the heart of Cork City.

The role requires the bell-ringer to work seven days a week during the peak season and comes with one big perk… a rent-free apartment in Cork’s City Centre.

According to the advert “A background in tourism marketing would be an advantage for this exciting opportunity to manage and develop one of Cork’s most popular landmark tourist destinations.”

This is a close-up video of Shandon

And the church can be seen at the start of this stunning aerial video of Cork.

The St.Annes Website is here

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