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Dublin Postboxes Turn British Red To Commemorate The Rising

In an innovative commemoration of the 1916 Rising An Post has repainted 10 postboxes in Dublin red.

The red reflects the color they were painted in 1916 before Irish independence. But the program is more ambitious than just painting them red.

Each postbox contains a key word which, when texted to a provided number, returns a video link on their smartphone. This plays a specially commissioned short video of the events that took place at the exact spot in which they’re standing. A question posed at the end of each video further engages the viewer with the story they have just witnessed.

According to An Post spokesperson, Anna McHugh, An Posts “ambition is to give people of all ages – including visitors from abroad – a once in a lifetime experience by bringing them closer to the streets of 1916 in a way that vividly illustrates an important part of our history and those silent servants of the state, the postboxes, who bore witness.”

More details can be found at our dedicated 1916 site along with documentaries, lectures, songs and more.

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