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€3,000 A Ticket Steam Train Finishes Its First Journey Around Ireland.

The Age of Steam was relived with an expensive 7 day journey around Ireland. On the only train in the world that serves draught Guinness!

The excursion was a pilot project by UK-based Steam Dreams, which offered tickets for a seven-day trip on the railways around Ireland. The trip took in Dublin, Belfast, Galway, Limerick, Kerry, Waterford and Kilkenny before heading back to Dublin.

The travelling customers paid €1,695 for non-dining facilities and up to €2,950 to enjoy their meals in the Pullman dining carriages.

Passengers stayed in hotels at various points around the country overnight.

Large crowds turned out in stations across the country to see the vintage train chug alongside the platforms to discharge the passengers.

The trip was such success that the organisers have already announced plans for next year.

I just hope serving draught Guinness isn’t the clue Iarnroid Eireann need to raise prices even further!

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