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Irish The 7th Most Rested People In The World

Irish people rank 7th in the world for sleeping. According to a survey by sleep monitoring app SleepCycle Irish people on average sleep for 7 hours and 15 minutes per night.

All but two of the 10 countries who sleep the most are European. Australians come 5th with 7 hours and 19 minutes, while New Zealand takes the top spot with each Kiwi getting 7 hours and 27 minutes.

10 countries who sleep the most on average:

  • New Zealand: 7hr27m
  • Netherlands: 7hr24m
  • Finland: 7hr23m
  • UK: 7hr 22m
  • Australia: 7hr19m
  • Ireland: 7hr16m
  • Sweden: 7hr15m
  • France: 7hr13m
  • Denmark: 7hr13m

The most sleep deprived countries are all in the Middle East and Asia

5 countries who sleep the least on average:

  • Japan: 5h52m
  • Saudi Arabia: 6hr1m
  • South Korea: 6hr1m
  • Philippines: 6hr7m
  • Kuwait: 6hr15m

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