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Small Stairs At Cork Airport Causes Flight Diversion To Dublin

A flight bound for Cork had to Divert to Dublin when it was discovered that there were no stairs high enough to allow passengers disembark.

The adventure started when a flight from Cork was delayed leaving. When it finally made its destination the crew had been flying for longer than regulations allow and could not return to Cork.

The company then chartered a Boeing 767 for a 2-leg flight to Bulgaria and back. Unfortunately this plane was too tall for the existing steps to reach and it had to divert to Dublin.

Both outgoing and incoming passengers were then bussed between Cork and Dublin.

The terminal in Cork was built 10 years ago at a cost of €600 million. This could not pay for more than two airbridges. These see occasional use with passengers generally having to use climb stairs to the runway and then steps to the plane.

an airplane at cork airport

Because the current airlines don’t use Boeing 767 the airport does not have any ability to handle planes of that size. The picture shows the tallest plane able to be serviced.

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