This summer is one that will be remembered (assuming global warming doesn’t put it to shame next year). It was a summer that saw records fall for rainfall, temperature and drought. Let’s take a look at the stats from Met Eireann. Temperatures All mean seasonal temperatures across the country were above their long-term average,…
We know it’s been very, very wet. But now we can actually see how bad it’s been, thanks to NASA. The American Space Agency has produced an animation showing the rainfall as measured by an array of satellites. It does not make for pleasant viewing.
The recent heavy storms have led to a lot of flooding in parts of the country. This video shows the effect on Clady when the River Finn burst its banks.
An Irish Summer is the stuff of legend. Here’s a full rundown of the 4 stages of an Irish summer experience in pictures. 90% Of It Is Like This For 90% of the time an Irish summer is rain. This can be summarised by these pictures and video As an Italian astronaut has proven…
We like to complain that it’s always raining in Ireland. Now thanks to an Italian Astronaut we have proof of how bad things really are! Look at that picture again. It was taken in June!! Now consider just how many other countries in the world have clouds that hug their borders? Not many I bet….
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