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Do You Have Family Away? Beware, This Joyous Reunion Video Will Bring A Tear To Your Eyes

We all have someone who lives far away. Skype can make a difference but when a grandchild is born away the emotions are bittersweet.

John O’Regan has been living in Australia for the last ten years where he met his Fiancee Claire. The pair have had their first child, 11-week-old Niall, who John’s parents have never met. In the video, John explains that they were due to arrive home next week to introduce his parents to their very first grandchild but the pair decided to come home a week early to surprise them.

With the help of his brother, John arranged that his parents would watch a slideshow of the new arrival. But as the show progressed it showed them on a plane, then landing in Ireland and eventually driving up to the house. And then they actually came in!

The emotion of the grandparents just watching their first grandchild is powerful enough. But the slow realisation on the mothers face and that eventual first meeting with their new grandchild will bring a tear to your eyes.

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