An international survey voted the British accent the sexiest in the world. But the British themselves voted the Northern Irish accent to be sexiest in the UK.
Logically this means the accent of Liam Neeson, Rory McIlroy and Jamie Dorn is the sexiest in the world.
The Time Out Global Dating Survey found that the British accent is the world’s favorite, followed by the American accent and only then does the Irish accent feature. This is a huge slide from first place which captured in 2009.
The French accent only came in fifth.
And yes, technically Northern Ireland is part of the UK and not part of Britain but let’s not split hairs here, shall we?
Despite his sexy accent Liam Neeson recently came second to Morgan Freeman as the person Irish would most like to read them bedtime stories
And here’s the accent itself…
What do you think is the sexiest accent?