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When You See What This Man Did For A Stranger Your Faith In Humanity Will Be Restored

A Belfast woman contacted a seller in London about a NutriBullet blender he had advertised for sale. She wanted it for her mother who has advanced cancer. What happened next will totally restore your faith in humanity

Cara Grace Duggan was looking for an expensive ‘pro’ version of the high performance juicer to hopefully help with her mothers cancer. But they are expensive new so she looked on classifieds site ‘Gumtree’.

The seller was in London but even with postage she felt the £130 price was one she could afford. When she contacted the seller she hoped to pay through PayPal. Instead the complete stranger offered to send it to her free of charge – postage and all.

Cara thanked the man but repeated her offer to buy the blender.


But that wasn’t the end of the story as the next text she received shows…

more text messages

Yes, the complete stranger want ahead and purchased a £218 device for a woman he had never met. And here’s the blender.

a nutribullet pro

Now doesn’t that make you feel good?

Have you ever had a complete stranger do something as nice for you? Or have you done something for a stranger?

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