Breaking News

Month: July 2015

the creator of the award winning fermented hay

Irish Man Wins Worlds Best Chef Award With A Dish of Fermented Hay.

No it’s not a joke. Mark Moriarty was named the worlds best young chef in Milan. And his dish featured fermented hay. “With my signature dish, I wanted to capture the essence of Ireland and present humble, locally sourced ingredients like celeriac and barley in a unique way,” said Mark. The dish he presented was…

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An Aldi store busy undermining Irish security

Defence Forces Accuse Aldi Of Endangering National Security

In a shock statement the senior command of the Irish Defence Forces have accused Aldi of putting national security at risk by poaching experienced senior officers. Experienced officers are in demand amongst private companies because of their leadership, organisational and management skills. As a result of the demand amongst Aldi and other private companies more…

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