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Belfast Zoo Gets a Baby Dragon From Daenerys Targaryen.

There might be 3 dragons in Esteros but there’s also one in Belfast Zoo!

For one day only a baby dragon can be found at Belfast Zoo. After that it presumably heads back to Esteros. The dragon is a fully animatronic model from the Game of Thrones TV show and it’s appearance is exciting fans.

One such excited fan said: “The detail is amazing on it, to have it in front of you it’s spectacular.”



Game Of Thrones is the biggest and most popular show on TV at the moment. As all fans know almost all the scenes in Westeros are filmed in Northern Ireland. In much the same way that Peter Jacksons Lord of The Rings brought attention and millions of tourists to New Zealand, the same is happening to Belfast and its surrounds.

In order to help this along Tourism Ireland has been organising tours, promotions and publicity to highlight the link. The baby dragon in Belfast zoo is such a promotion and follows on previous events such as 3-eyed ravens at City Hall.

Brian Twomey of Tourism Ireland explained to the Belfast Telegraph: “This is all a bit surreal because we have a dragon from Game of Thrones in the enclosure behind me and we’re surrounded by fans of the series and extras from the series so this is all a bit surreal but a lot of fun.

“The dragon is one of the stars of the show and we have brought it to Belfast Zoo for one day.”

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