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Did You Have A One Night Stand In Copper Face Jacks in 2003 ? (Form An Orderly Queue)

Is your name Sean? Did you have a one-night stand with a woman you met in Copperface Jacks in 2003? If you answered yes to both those questions you might just have a son you didn’t know about?

The woman who had the fling and the resulting child has spent the last years wondering about the man she met the night before the Laois-Tyrone match in 2003. She finally decided to let him know about his son by writing a letter to the Ryan Tubridy show on RTE.

letter about copper face jack

As you can see she is now happily married and the son is loved by his step-father. According to the anonymous woman she simply feels that the biological father should know.

What do you think? Is it better for the father to know he has a son (even if he doesn’t know where) or does this risk endangering two families?

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