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Experience Ballyloughnane Beach Like A Galwegian In This Video

Two Irish-complexioned lads show just how long and shallow Ballyloguhnane beach in Galways is in this short but funny video.

It’s claimed to be the longest and shallowest beach in the world. Just how wide and shallow it is can be seen in this satellite picture.

aerial view of ballloughnane

This video by two strapping local lads shows what generations of Galway peoples experience is – taking so long getting deep enough for a swim that it’s time to turn around and go home again.

Only in Ireland…

Ireland, where you’re guaranteed the shortest summers and longest beaches in the world…

Posted by Today FM on Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A decision was taken earlier this year to close the beach for 2015 as a result of water-quality issues.

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