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4 Reasons Why We Should Make July 19 An Irish Holiday

July 19th is possibly the most momentous day in Irish history. There are at least 4 reasons it should be a holiday…

Despite the momentous history behind the day it often goes forgotten. Even Ted and Dougal had problems with it…


As we can see Ted and Dougal knew of only three reasons why July 19 was important. To this we can now add a fourth reason. Lets examine each in turn;

1. Galway Liberated From Indians

indians leaving Galway on July 19

Returning Home The Evening of July 19

Important to Galway people but truth be told the rest of the country didn’t really notice the occupation in the first place.
Nobody is too sure which tribe the Indians came from now who effected the liberation but without them we can be fairly sure that Steve Earle wouldn’t have been able to visit Galway. And if that was the case we wouldn’t have had any songs about Galway Girls.
This is the real reason to celebrate!

2. Marathon Becomes Snickers

marathon or snickers?

The younger generation won’t be aware of this anniversary but for those of a certain age Marathon becoming Snickers is a defining moment. One day we had a big chunky bar we were all familiar with – the next a stranger had appeared.

This was the start of a wholesale renaming of sweets that has traumatised a whole generation.



3. The Ice Age Ended

ice age
If the Ice Age had not ended we might be living a lot higher and be a lot colder. As a nation we’re not big fans of cold so it’s fair to say this is a big day. Of course it might be drier so that’s something to consider.

Still for good or bad the Ice Age ended on July 19 and that’s all there is about it.



4. Dougal Discovered Perspective

the ones out there are far away
Yes our fourth reason was completely unknown when Dougal read the diary. That’s because it hadn’t happened yet.
But on July 19 Fathers Ted, Dougal and Jack went on their momentous holiday. Lots happened of course (including an epic encounter with Father Noel Furlong) but perhaps one of the most memorable was how Dougal learned perspective using cows…

“Small. Far Away”

So yes, there are other important days in the year but I think you’ll agree that it’s hard to see one that can be considered so momentous. We should honour it. #MakeItAHoliday

How You Can Help Make It A Holiday

  • Spread the word through Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
  • Use the hashtag #MakeItAHoliday
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  • Let your politicians know you want them to Make It A Holiday

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