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Redhead Display in Cork Airport

Next month travellers at Cork Airport will see a unique exhibition: a selection of portraits taken at the Irish Redhead Convention.

Cork based fashion photographer, Jorg Koster developed an interest in redheaded subjects five years ago after shooting Irish clothing products for German catalogues.

But he had a problem in taking portraits: red hair is the rarest type with only 0.6% of people in the world having it. It is of course more common in Ireland but still, getting enough to build an exhibition was going to be hard. Until he heard about the Irish Redhead Convention held in Crosshaven, just outside Cork City.

Jorg approached the convention organiser Joleen Cronin and she agreed to let him set up a photo booth.

Now Cork Airport has invited Koster to exhibit a selection of his redhead portraits at the main hall areas from March 7th to 31st.

“I wanted my portraits to be natural, spontaneous and pure. By using daylight and a grey backdrop I aimed to bring out the natural beauty of red hair and freckles, which for so long were considered to be a flaw. It has been a great experience to meet so many proud redheads and hear their stories,” said Jorg

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