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Rose Of Tralee Greeting

Charting The Popularity Of The Rose Of Tralee: Why It Was More Popular In The 1940’s.

The Rose Of Tralee festival is happening right now in the eponymous town. And it seems to remain as popular as ever. Even more so since it’s first run way back in 1959. But mentions of The Rose Of Tralee peaked long before the festival. As you are probably aware the Rose of Tralee Festival…

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false teeth smiling

Did You Know Ireland’s Obsessed With Dentists?

Think of teeth and dentists and you probably consider one of two clichés; Glow-in-the-dark American teeth or crooked British ones. But in fact Ireland is the 2nd most obsessed country in the world when it comes to dentists. Take a look at this chart from Google on searches for “Dentist”. In first place is Britain…

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Giants Causeway or a tree stump

Did You Know The Giants Causeway Is Actually a Big Tree Stump? This Russian Says So.

We knew they were a wonder of the world. What we did;t know was just how special they really are. Of course there are two stories on how the Giants Causeway was created. One says that Finn McCool built a pathway across to Scotland while the other (more boring) version puts it down to volcanic…

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irish redhead festival attendees

Redhead Display in Cork Airport

Next month travellers at Cork Airport will see a unique exhibition: a selection of portraits taken at the Irish Redhead Convention. Cork based fashion photographer, Jorg Koster developed an interest in redheaded subjects five years ago after shooting Irish clothing products for German catalogues. But he had a problem in taking portraits: red hair is…

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rainfall radar

Thanks To This NASA Animation We Can See Just How Wet It Has Been Lately

We know it’s been very, very wet. But now we can actually see how bad it’s been, thanks to NASA. The American Space Agency has produced an animation showing the rainfall as measured by an array of satellites. It does not make for pleasant viewing.    

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an irish sniper

Can You Believe The Irish Army Are The Best Snipers In The World?

It might seem slightly bizarre given the number of wars we get involved in but the Irish Rangers have just beaten 37 other armies to clinch the title of best snipers in the world. The Army Ranger Wing won the overall and international categories in the United States Sniper Competition in Fort Benning, Georgia. They…

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sky sports reporter

Sky Sports Reclaim Dublin For England

British sports commentators have a long history of claiming Irish successes as British. But this time they’ve taken the biscuit and claimed Dublin as English! Announcing the GAA All Star nominations the Sky Sports announcer declared Dublin to be All-England champions. That’s right he didn’t even claim them to be British but English! See for…

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gaeltacht signpost

Did You Know Irish Is One of The 10 Oldest Languages in The World?

There are estimated to be over 6,500 languages spoken in the world today. Irish is one of the 10 oldest still spoken daily and has the oldest vernacular literature in Europe. While it’s hard to identify when any language begins and so it is impossible to rank them in terms of age, it is believed…

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traditional Irish saying

Traditional Blessings About Family & Friendships

Family and Friendship feature prominently in Irish culture. There are a number of blessings related to these and here are a small few…  

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Did You Know Cork Was Once Like Venice? These Are The Last Signs From That Time

Many people know that the centre of Cork is built on an island. But did you know that it was once many islands? And had a canal-based transport system? Until the late 18th century the centre of Cork was marshy and the land was directed by the river. Through that time the channels were used…

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