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shouty chef

CurseFest2015 Coming To Waterford

Waterford City council recently decided to take a strong line against “use [of]obscene or profane language” in their parks. As you might expect in Ireland it’s kind of backfired! The recently passed by-laws stated that “No person shall beg, gamble, use obscene or profane language, behave indecently or cause annoyance.” Also banned are having a…

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part of Europe's largest reef

Europe’s Largest Reef Turns Up In Waterford!

A reef is big. Usually they’re hard to overlook but now Europe’s biggest honeycomb reef has turned up in Waterford. Until now the largest had been thought to be in Brittany. But it seems that was just an oversight and now the record books can be put straight. As part of the 2015 Biodiversity Week,…

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