Breaking News

Day: June 22, 2015

A United Airlines plane looking for pretzels

Plane Diverted To Belfast After Demand For Salty Snacks.

A United Airlines flight ended up in Belfast instead of Chicago when a passenger “asked to be given nuts or crackers.” The plane was travelling from Rome when Jeremiah Mathis Thede, 42, who holds dual Italian and American citizenship, demanded the salty snacks. According to testimony he was given some nuts but later asked for…

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having some crack in Kerry

“Ryanair, Highwaymen In The Sky.” Having The Craic In Kerry

The Fleadh Cheoil Chiarrai is a celebration of music and dance in the Kingdom. But not all the craic takes place at the formal competition or even the scheduled gigs. As so often in Ireland it can be an impromptu performance. In Mick Murt’s pub there was one such performance. This had a modern theme…

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the Milky Way in all its glory

Irelands Dark Treasure – One Of The Three Best Places on Earth To View The Universe!

It’s the only place in the Northern Hemisphere from which to truly understand the majesty of the universe. And one of only 3 places on the planet! And that’s official. Light pollution is a growing problem and it means that no-one looking up the the sky can truly experience the awe and wonder that people…

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