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discussing the differences between irish and American English

American English Vs. Irish English. This Hilarious Video Explains The Difference

We know that English is not English. But what are the differences between Irish English and American English? Let These Two Show You… The video was made by language app Smigin and features two of their employees; Austin from California and Saoirse from Ireland. I’m guessing it makes a lot more sense to Irish people…

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2 lads try to explain the meaning of irish slang

Explaining Irish Slang Is Harder Than You Think!

Irish Slang. It’s a language to itself, one that non-Irish can find completely unintelligible. And it can be surprisingly difficult to explain the meaning to others. But these good people in Dublin give it a try. How well would you do in explaining it? And how surprised are you to find some of it even…

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