Breaking News

Day: June 24, 2015

a sample of the genealogical registration books

Huge Repository Of Genealogical Records Available Online Soon

The Catholic Church records in Ireland are going to be available online from this summer. And they’ll be free! The National Library of Ireland is to give free online access to its Catholic Church records collection online, from summer 2015. This will enable millions of people around the world to trace their roots in Ireland….

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2 lads try to explain the meaning of irish slang

Explaining Irish Slang Is Harder Than You Think!

Irish Slang. It’s a language to itself, one that non-Irish can find completely unintelligible. And it can be surprisingly difficult to explain the meaning to others. But these good people in Dublin give it a try. How well would you do in explaining it? And how surprised are you to find some of it even…

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the Irish Potato in Taiwan

Yes, An Irish-Themed Chipper DOES Exist. In Taiwan!

If you’re like most Irish people you probably think the only Irish-themed restaurant abroad are pubs. Well you’re wrong. Irelands Potato is a Taiwan based chipper with a mad mascot! Apart from the fact that they use Potato’s there does not seem to be much else that could possibly justify a link to Ireland. However…

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