Breaking News

Day: September 10, 2015

Did You Know Cork Was Once Like Venice? These Are The Last Signs From That Time

Many people know that the centre of Cork is built on an island. But did you know that it was once many islands? And had a canal-based transport system? Until the late 18th century the centre of Cork was marshy and the land was directed by the river. Through that time the channels were used…

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approaching skellig Michael from the sea

Skellig Michael: One Of Just 2 UNESCO World Heritage Sites In Ireland

Situated 12 kilometres off the Kerry coast, Skellig Michael is a 218m (715ft) high lump of exposed rock. It was also the site of a unique monastery for 600 years. The Skelligs Skellig Michael is one of two Skelligs. The other, The Little Skellig, is uninhabited by man but is the second largest gannet breeding…

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