Breaking News


admiring the dragon in Belfast zoo

Belfast Zoo Gets a Baby Dragon From Daenerys Targaryen.

There might be 3 dragons in Esteros but there’s also one in Belfast Zoo! For one day only a baby dragon can be found at Belfast Zoo. After that it presumably heads back to Esteros. The dragon is a fully animatronic model from the Game of Thrones TV show and it’s appearance is exciting fans….

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having a good sleep

Irish The 7th Most Rested People In The World

Irish people rank 7th in the world for sleeping. According to a survey by sleep monitoring app SleepCycle Irish people on average sleep for 7 hours and 15 minutes per night. All but two of the 10 countries who sleep the most are European. Australians come 5th with 7 hours and 19 minutes, while New…

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a guinness a day

Guinness Really Is Good For You

We all knew (or at least wished) it. But now scientists in Wisconsin have proven it – Guinness is Good For You. It can even help prevent heart- attacks. Researchers at the Universtity of Wisconsin tested the health-giving properties of stout by giving it to dogs who had narrowed arteries similar to those in heart…

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facebook page of the farmers daughters

How to Land an Irish Farmer on Facebook

If you’re interested in landing an Irish farmer then look no further than the Irish Farmers Daughters Blog. This new Facebook page not only highlights the best Irish farmers but also gives a light-hearted overview of life on an Irish farm. The page was set up by three Irish Farmers Daughters from Meath, The three…

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Nun Rescued From Elevator

Two nuns spent 3 days praying to be rescued from an elevator in Rome. The two nuns – a 58-year old Irish woman and a 68 year old New Zealand woman – were visiting the Marist Sisters convent in Rome. They were the last two nuns to leave the convent for the weekend and a…

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