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mcdonalds not-artisan burger

McDonalds “Artisan” Burger Is “Artisan” No More.

Remember McDonalds Irish Artisan Burger which featured Bacon, Cabbage, and Potato? The one released yesterday? Well It’s no longer Artisan. The new burger called The McMór might have seemed like a parody of Irishness but McDonalds were very serious about it. They printed tons of material explaining how it represented Ireland and, most importantly, how…

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mcdonalds new artisan burger the McMor

McDonalds Is Making An Irish Artisan Burger Called The McMór

McDonalds is bringing out an artisan burger just for Ireland. Called the McMór it uses all-Irish ingredients, including Ballymaloe Relish. The McMór will be available in all 88 McDonald’s restaurants across Ireland from Wednesday, for a six week period only. Inside the bun is 100% Irish beef and bacon provided by Dawn Meats and Dew…

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1 look for a safe place

Who Remembers The Safe Cross Code?

If you grew up during the 70’s you can probably still sing the whole of the Safe Cross Code; 1 look for a safe place, 2 don’t hurry stop and wait… During the 1970’s when Rte was the only channel throughout most of the country all children hear the Safe Cross Code. Using these six…

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international chocolate consumption

Guess How Much Chocolate We Eat Each Year. Do You Know Who Eats More Than Us?

Irish are the third highest consumers of chocolate in the world. Surprising but true. Only two nationalities eat more. We each eat 7.4kg or 16.3lbs each year. That’s a lot of chocolate but only 82% of what the Swiss eat. Then again the Toblerones are probably cheaper there. The Germans are the 2nd biggest consumers….

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dancing away to irish music

Watch These Cute Twin Babies Riverdance And Try Not To Go Ahhhh!

This may just be the cutest video we have seen all week. Two twins babies in their bouncers doing some Irish dancing. Some real talent on display. It’s no wonder Michael Flatley has taken up painting instead. You’ll have to watch for yourself…   Cutest thing you will see all day!! [Video:] Posted by…

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Now They’re Claiming Taytos as British!

It’s not the British themselves this time but their colonial offspring the Australians. We know how the British like to claim all Irish successes as their own; Conor McGregor, Paul Dunne all the way back to Stephen Roche. But even they would never see the need to claim inanimate objects. Instead the Australians are doing…

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irish folk legends

Can You Believe We Forgot Phil Coulter In This Group Of Legends?

We recently Tweeted a link to this incredible picture. Unfortunately we forgot Phil Coulter and just have to put it right! Here’s our original tweet… Jim McCann, Billy Connolly, Christy Moore, Paul Brady, Ralp McTell, Ronnie Drew, Shay Healy #legends #music #folk — irelandcalling (@irelandcalling1) July 12, 2015 The error is obvious in hindsight…

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rain clouds in the shape of ireland

The Proof That Ireland Has Uniquely Bad Weather.

We like to complain that it’s always raining in Ireland. Now thanks to an Italian Astronaut we have proof of how bad things really are! Look at that picture again. It was taken in June!! Now consider just how many other countries in the world have clouds that hug their borders? Not many I bet….

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Do You Have Any Mud Around The Place? Austerity Is Over For You!

Austerity has been hard. But if we only knew what our mud is worth we could have paid off Anglo and still partied. QVC is selling Irish mud for $59 per 5oz jar. This is a huge bargain as it normally retails at $129 for the same amount. The mud was dug up by Peter…

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far and away

American Tourists Are Taking Speech Lessons Before Travelling To Ireland!

An American voice coach has revealed that many of his clients are taking lessons before travelling to Ireland – just so they can understand the locals when they get here.! Jim Johnson, associate professor of voice and dialects at the University of Houston, Texas, runs an online service to help people master over 40 different…

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