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Month: July 2015

rain clouds in the shape of ireland

The Proof That Ireland Has Uniquely Bad Weather.

We like to complain that it’s always raining in Ireland. Now thanks to an Italian Astronaut we have proof of how bad things really are! Look at that picture again. It was taken in June!! Now consider just how many other countries in the world have clouds that hug their borders? Not many I bet….

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30 cows in a field riddle

30 Cows In A Field…

A simple riddle is going viral. The craic is in watching how people try to understand it – and then slowly realise what it means. Here are two responses that will get you laughing – and yes one is the Irish Mammy! Not The Irish Mammy   The Irish Mammy   Know of any other…

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how do you use this tea bag?

Can You Use A Tea Bag? Would You Give These Poor Eejits A Hand?

Tea bags seem to be the simplest thing. But for some people it turns out the concept is hard to grasp. A surprising number of people have reported on Twitter that they spent years using them incorrectly. Putting them in a cup and pouring water over them was just too confusing an idea. So what…

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trying to get dressed while holding the towel

6 Easy Things Any Emigrant Can Do To Feel They’re Back In Ireland Again

For any Irish who may be homesick in America or elsewhere here’s a little list of 6 easy things you can do to help you feel home again. Burn an egg. Break an egg into a frying pan while taking great care not to break the yolk but, and this is important, failing. Then just…

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is this part of the MCU?

Watch Spiderman vs. The Junkie – In Grafton Street. It’s A Bit Surreal

This video from Grafton street shows Spiderman after he was robbed. Determined to see justice prevail, and even though he was much smaller, Spiderman uses his powers to ensure the suspect does not escape. According to the notes a street performer dressed as Spiderman was robbed. But rather than let it go he immediately jumped…

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ah shur I'm alive

Cork and Kerry Pingu – The Funniest Thing You’ll See All Day

Pingu was a cartoon about a group of Penguins and they never spoke, just squawked. But now hear them speak for the first time -in Cork and Kerry accents! In this adventure the two penguins decide to make some popcorn but things go slightly wrong….

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now they're protected

These Are The 7 Things Every Irish Childhood Has In Common. Including Yours!

What defines an Irish childhood? Well according to Twitter it can be boiled down to these 7 things that are common to all generations. Using the hashtag #GrowingUpIrish, Twitter users across the country reminisced about their youth and what they remember growing up in Ireland. Despite age differences it seems there are some common experiences…

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are you a criminal?

These 5 Things Were Illegal In Ireland Until Yesterday. You’ll Never Believe Number 4!

I hope you haven’t been eating every Wednesday! But if you have then relax, it’s been legal since yesterday. As are these 4 other laws you might have been breaking.   Eating Every Wednesday One of the biggies. You should have been fasting the first Wednesday of each month. What’s worse, this was for the…

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4 Reasons Why We Should Make July 19 An Irish Holiday

July 19th is possibly the most momentous day in Irish history. There are at least 4 reasons it should be a holiday… Despite the momentous history behind the day it often goes forgotten. Even Ted and Dougal had problems with it…   As we can see Ted and Dougal knew of only three reasons why…

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Shannon cork flyover

Watch This Unique Flyover of Cork As You’ve Never Seen It Before.

We’ve seen drone videos of Ireland for a while now. They allow us to see the stunning scenery we often take for granted in Ireland. But here’s a unique view – a sketch tour of Cork from the air. The sketch gives a unique perspective and allows you to notice little things that might usually…

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